
dinersinandout_0 paradise-cove-two-girls-say-what moontrees bus bench ladies 3-ballerinas-in-mufti april-2010-093 3-30-2013-8-27-20-pm paradise-cove-little-girl-big-bag-of-kettle-cornr pa in pink hardhat 57 june 2013 IMG_3863r img_4518 img_6170 IMG_6033_edited-1 james ellroy & patty martino alspaugh IMG_8481-1 IMG_0089 two looking in_edited-2 Happy Valentine's Day Sign - 3rd St Promenade nordhoff underpass IMG_8746 IMG_4422r (2) IMG_4940 IMG_8562 IMG_0209-1 IMG_6801 IMG_3425 IMG_0620 IMG_8424r IMG_9408r IMG_0774 IMG_4635r IMG_8870 IMG_3786 (2) IMG_4686 (2) IMG_0184 IMG_4657 IMG_5530 IMG_0902 IMG_1340 IMG_2535 IMG_6664 IMG_7827 IMG_1677 IMG_1741 IMG_4046 IMG_4183 IMG_0899r IMG_0982 IMG_4184 homeless doing drugs IMG_0387 IMG_1158r corona mask caution taper IMG_4569 IMG_4599 IMG_5368 IMG_5596 IMG_6488 IMG_7473 IMG_0586


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Favorite Words — The Letter B

Go to any of the following websites to look up any of the words below you are interested in knowing more about: Macmillan,  Howjsay, Merriam-Webster, The Free Dictionary by Farlex, and Cambridge Dictionary.
bacchanal (bak’ e nal) — drunken or riotous celebration; reveler

backronym — word re-interpreted as an acronym (back+acronym); in a backronym, an expansion is invented to treat an existing word as an acronym.  For example, some believe that the word NEWS is an acronym for North, East, West, and South (in actuality, the word is coined from ‘new’ as in What’s new?)

badinage’ (ä) — light, playful banter

bagatelle’ (insignificant thing)

bale’ful — ominous

bait and switch

bailiwick (bail’ lee-wik) — person’s specific area of interest; skill or authority

bal’last — gravel ingredient of concrete; something that gives stability, esp. in character; heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability; coarse gravel or crushed rock laid to form a bed for roads or railroad

ballis’tics — study of the dynamics of projectiles; study of firearms

ballotte’ment — palpatory technique for detecting or examining a floating object in the body

banal’ — trite, often predictable and drearily commonplace

banana republic — politically unstable country with an economy dependent upon the exportation of a limited-resource product, such as bananas or minerals.

band’width — numerical difference between the upper and lower frequencies of an electromagnetic radiation band, esp. an assigned range of radio frequencies

bane — cause of death, destruction, or ruin

ban’ter — good humored playful conversation

bard — poet, esp. Shakespeare

baroque — art and arch. dev. in Europe from 1550 to 1700, emphasizing dramatic effect and typified by elaborate ornamentation and balance of disparate parts

barouche’ — four-wheeled carriage with collapsible top, two double seats opposite each other and a box seat outside for driver

barrage’ – an overwhelming outpouring

bar’ren — devoid of something special

bas’tion — well-fortified position

bathos (bay’thos) — insincere or grossly sentimental pathos; triteness; abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect

bat’ten — to secure fasten or furnish with battens; strip of wood used to fasten the edges of the material that covers hatches

battle fatigue — debilitating psychiatric breakdown caused by stress of combat

baw’dry — risqué or coarse language

baw’dy — humorously coarse; vulgar; lewd

bayadere (bi’a.dir) — fabric with contrasting horizontal stripes

beat’itude — supreme blessedness or happiness

beaucoup (bow’koo)

beau ideal (bo’al) — an idealized type or model

beau monde — world of fashionable society

bedeck’ — adorn

bed’lam — noisy uproar and confusion

bedizen (ba.di’zen) — to ornament or dress in a showy or gaudy manner

bedouin (bed’ — Arab of any of various nomadic tribes

bedside manner

beelzebub (be.el’za.bub) — the devil; one of fallen angels in Milton’s Paradise Lost







bel’dam — an old woman, esp. one who is considered ugly and malicious; a witch

belea’guer — to harass, beset; besiege with troops

bel esprit’ — cultivated intelligent person

belie’ — to picture falsely; misrepresent


bel’icose — warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious

Belle Époque (a.polk’) — era of artistic & cultural refinement in a society, esp. France begin of 20th C

belles-lettres (bel.let’ra) — light stylish writings, usu. on literary or intellectual subj.

bell jar — glass vessel used to protect and display fragile objects (Plath)

belu’ga — large sturgeon of the Black and Caspian seas, whose roe is processed into caviar

bel’vedere — structure such as a summer house situated to command a view

bends — decompression sickness; nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissues after a rapid reduction in the surrounding pressure; pain in joints and abdomen


Ben Day dots — adding a tone to a printed image by imposing a transparent sheet of dots or other patterns on the image at some stage of photo repro process

benedic’tion — blessing

ben’efaction — gift or deed



benig’nant — favorable; beneficial

ben’ison — blessing



berceuse (ber.suz’) — lullaby




besiege (ba.sej’)


besotted — strongly infatuated; smitten; head over heels





bete noire (bet nwar’) — one that is particularly disliked or that is to be avoided (black beast)



bibelot (bee’ba.low) — fr., trinket, decorative object; a small object of curiosity, beauty, or rarity; a miniature book

biblioclast’ — destroyer or mutilator of books

bibliognost’ — someone with deep knowledge of books; one who possesses an encyclopedia knowledge of books

bibliophile’ — lover of books

bibliopole’ — person behind the booth at book fairs; dealer in rare books

bibliotash – one who caches or hoards books

bib’ulous — given to or marked by the consumption of alcoholic drink: a bibulous evening.  Very absorbent, as paper or soil.

bice blue/green — moderate blue/green


bi’furcate — divide into two parts

bien sûr – (fr.) of course

bilateral — two sides

bile — bitterness of temper

bil’ious — having a peevish disposition

billet doux (bil.a.doo’) — love letter

bil’lingsgate — foul, abusive language (fish market in London)

bird’s eye maple; bird’s nest fern, bird’s foot violet

birl — spinning a floating log by rotating with one’s feet; birling: loggers’ game

bipar’tite — having or consisting of two parts

bissex’tile — adj./noun, leap year


bivouac (biv’oo.ak) — temporary encampment

blanch — to cause to pale

blan’dish — flatter/cajole

blar’ney stone — imparts powers of eloquence and persuasion; blarney: smooth/flattering talk, deceptive



blithe (bliiithe) (spirit) — carefree and lighthearted

bliss — ecstasy

blot’to — intoxicated

blue chip — valuable asset or property



boatswain (bo’sen) — warrant officer in charge of ship’s rigging, anchors, cables, and deck crew

boda’cious — audacious in a way considered admirable



bod’kin — a small pointed instrument used to pierce cloth or leather, long hairpin

bo’gey — one OVER par

bol’lard — thick post

boi’lerplate — journalistic material, formulaic

bollito misto (bo.le’to mis’to) — mixture of veg and various meats cooked in a broth and usu. served with mustard-fruit sauce (It.)

bol’ster — to buoy up


bombast’ic — pompous speech or writing

bo’na fide — sincere; in good faith

bon mot (bon mo’) — clever saying; witticism

bonhomie’ — pleasant and affable disposition

bon ton’ — high society; the proper things to do; sophisticated manner of style

bon vivant — (bon ve.van’) one with refined taste for food and drink

bonan’za’mus — rumbling noise of gas moving through the intestines

bos’quet — small grove or thicket

botryoid’al – shaped like a bunch of grapes

bouffant (boo.fant’) puffed-out, full


bo’vine — of or resembling a cow

bowd’lerize — to expurgate, a book for ex., prudishly; to modify by skewing content

Boyle’s Law — principle that at a constant temp. the volume of a confined ideal gas varies inversely with its pressure

bra’cer — stimulating drink

braise — to cook by browning in fast, then simmering in a small quantity of liquid in a covered container

bran’dish — to wave or flourish a weapon menacingly

brash — hasty and unthinking; impetuous

brass tacks — essential facts; basics

brava’do — defiant or swaggering behavior



brazier (bra’zher) — cooking device consisting of a charcoal or electric heating source over which food is grilled


bricolage’ — something made or put together using whatever materials happen to be available.


brim’stone — fiery or passionate rhetoric

brin’dled — tawny or grayish with streaks or spots of a darker color

brine — water of a sea or ocean 

brink’manship — practice of seeking advantage by pushing a highly dangerous situation to the limit

brio (bre’o)  vigor

brobdingnag’ian — immense, enormous (country in Gulliver’s Travels, where everything is enormous)

bro’gan — heavy ankle-high work shoe

brou’haha — uproar; hubbub

bruit — to spread news of, repeat

bru’mal — occurring in winter

brume — fog or mist

brusque — abrupt or curt behavior 

bulkhead  — An upright partition or wall dividing a ship into compartments that help protect it by adding structural rigidity and preventing the spread of leaks, water, or fire.

bump’tious — crudely or loudly assertive; pushy

buoy’ant — able to recover quickly; resilient 

bur’geon — begin to grow or blossom

bur’sar — treasurer

bustier (boos.teeyay’) — formfitting sleeveless and usu. strapless woman’s top

by’product — secondary result; side effect




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