
carwithbumpestickersgalore nakedfagandfriend-2 img_0024 dancer-camelot-es 4-girls-in-a-row img_4070 picture-016 4-of-ur-in-pjs maries-cottage-ocean-city-md ladies in front of Vitellos-colorful IMG_0716 IMG_8625 feral cats CSUN6 IMG_8562 [000015] IMG_9501_edited-1 IMG_4501 IMG_0057 IMG_6357 walking dogs in the rain IMG_4757 IMG_6640 IMG_6756 IMG_6512 IMG_5956 IMG_5970 IMG_6006 IMG_7267 IMG_7897 IMG_6169 IMG_2541 IMG_3109 IMG_3321 IMG_3526 IMG_3893 two little boys atlanta airport IMG_6033 IMG_9667 homeless underpass fingerr IMG_1552r IMG_2171 IMG_4547 IMG_2310 IMG_1005 IMG_1235r IMG_1643r IMG_3356 IMG_5224 IMG_5830 IMG_7042


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Best Trivia - Food


Favorite Trivia – DRUGS


“The priorities are insane.  Cigarettes are legal and kill 1,200 people a day—in this country alone—but marijuana is illegal and the worst that can happen is maybe you’ll raid your neighbor’s refrigerator.”                         

Paul Krassner’s Pot Stories For The Soul (High Times)

“I get stoned to meet the other me. The other side of everyday me.  But I can’t imagine marijuana replacing booze.  I want to drink to relieve the MANIC MIND it all sets off.” [June 22, 1988]                         

The Journals of Spalding Gray

“I never thought I would say this, but I’ve come to love the feeling of being on opioids.  It was never part of my treatment but as my chest pain became unbearable I needed it to breathe.  With morphine and oxy there’s no pain and no sadness.  I don’t take pain meds when I don’t need them, but my pain came back last night for a little bit, and it was not that severe but verging, so I took the smallest dose of oxy.  I’m scared of myself a little bit,  A lot of the time I feel normal, but then sometimes when I think about things, I’m like, ‘I want to get some oxy to have on hand just in case I have pain,’ which I think is valid, but then I wonder if it were just sitting in my drawer, and if I were having a bad day… I don’t want to put myself in any situation for possible abuse.  And I never thought I was at risk before.  But now I realize it can really happen to anyone and I need to be careful, and I’m happy the doctors don’t want to send me home with oxy.  They say if I have pain that severe, I should come to the ER.  It’s a valid point.” [December 15, 2015]                        

Mallory Smith – Salt In My Soul: An Unfinished Life

“More and more guests were seeking the privacy of empty rooms, and it was clear that the party was coming to an end.  A few marijuana smokers sat quietly in a corner, lost in their artificial paradise.”                        

Armand Coppens – The Memoirs of an Erotic Bookseller

“My [driving school] instructor could only have smelled more like marijuana if he’d been made of it.”                        

Justin Halpern – I Suck at Girls

“Marijuana will be legal someday because every law student I know smokes it.”

Lenny Bruce

“Wine is at the head of all medicines; where wine is lacking, drugs are necessary.”                        

Babylonian Talmud

“As an occasional pot smoker, I was interested to read that you [Ram Dass] think pot gives you soul awareness and that you think it’s faster than meditation. . .  ‘I think that pot is a mild psychedelic. It gives you more flexibility in dealing with your consciousness. It’s easier to shift from one plane to another—ego to soul—with pot.'”             

Henry Alford– How To Live: A Search for Wisdom from Old People

“One of the things I’ve learned in the course of all this is that I’d had some misconceptions about medical marijuana. Because I had always used marijuana (like all psychedelics) in a spiritual context, I hadn’t fully appreciated its medical value. Previously I’d though of it only for is consciousness-changing ability, but that’s actually just a side effect to its use for pain relief. I live in California, a state where the use of medical marijuana is legal, and I am a ‘carded’ patient. Marijuana has been one of the treatments that has helped me the most with the spasticity and pain I’ve experienced as my stroke-damage muscles contract.”   

Ram Dass – Still Here: Embracing Aging, Changing, and Dying

Epicurus – Greek philosopher (3rd C. B.C.)—pleasure is the highest goal of life.                       

Lord Byron – Don Juan

“If you remember the 60’s, you weren’t there.”                       

Comedian Charlie Fleischer – Los Angeles Times

Reality is for those who can’t handle drugs.                       

Bathroom stall

“My crippled mind constantly sends me searching for meanings to inhabit my new life.  Sometimes I think Alzheimer’s is like a destructive addiction but without any pleasure accompanying it.  Nobody spends money for an Alzheimer’s high.”                       

Thomas DeBaggio – Losing My Mind: An Intimate Look at Life with Alzheimer’s

“The pills [Adderall] make me crazy, I know that, but I don’t see the alternative. It’s really just speed, no different from the original amphetamine salts Gordon Alles injected in June 1929, and almost identical to the Pervitin used by German paratroopers in World War II as they dropped behind enemy lines in a state the British newspapers described as ‘heavily drugged, fearless, and berserk.'”  

Stephen Elliott – The Adderall Diaries

“I’m suffering side effects from the Adderall. There are always side effects. Insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, obsession, erratic decision-making. Inconsistency. I took my pill early in the day but I’m still awake and full of thoughts.  So I lie in bed with my windows open, glad to be alone. It’s the middle of the week.  I haven’t been sleeping and I’m missing appointments. My nails are bitten down and bleeding.  All I can do is document it all and see where it leads me.  I’m taking my meds and the world will be a different place for awhile.”        

Stephen Elliott – The Adderall Diaries

“I owe a lot of good ideas I’ve ever had in my life to pot.”

Bill Maher

“‘I get much more involved in ordinary tasks than when I’m straight; they’re completely absorbing’ is a very common effect.”

Charles T. Tart, PhD – On Being Stoned

Emerald Triangle: Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino (northern California counties that are the biggest pot producing counties in the U.S.)


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