
carwithbumpestickersgalore nakedfagandfriend-2 img_0024 dancer-camelot-es 4-girls-in-a-row img_4070 picture-016 4-of-ur-in-pjs maries-cottage-ocean-city-md ladies in front of Vitellos-colorful IMG_0716 IMG_8625 feral cats CSUN6 IMG_8562 [000015] IMG_9501_edited-1 IMG_4501 IMG_0057 IMG_6357 walking dogs in the rain IMG_4757 IMG_6640 IMG_6756 IMG_6512 IMG_5956 IMG_5970 IMG_6006 IMG_7267 IMG_7897 IMG_6169 IMG_2541 IMG_3109 IMG_3321 IMG_3526 IMG_3893 two little boys atlanta airport IMG_6033 IMG_9667 homeless underpass fingerr IMG_1552r IMG_2171 IMG_4547 IMG_2310 IMG_1005 IMG_1235r IMG_1643r IMG_3356 IMG_5224 IMG_5830 IMG_7042


trust-me me-and-maxine-hong-kingston patty-photo-page moon-rise-dec-2020-2 patty2 covid-masked-farmers-market fatamorgana-gelato ghosts-in-love electrified-hair-pair IMG_1152 IMG_0960 IMG_0936 IMG_0886 IMG_0885r IMG_0765 IMG_0741 IMG_0734 IMG_0709 IMG_0586 IMG_0576r IMG_0574 IMG_0243 IMG_0242 IMG_0232 IMG_0219 IMG_0170 IMG_0141 IMG_0140 IMG_0056r IMG_0034 IMG_0017 IMG_9986r IMG_9887r IMG_9871 IMG_8125 IMG_8119 IMG_8002 IMG_7938 IMG_7891 IMG_7752 IMG_7711 IMG_7551 IMG_75492 IMG_7473 IMG_7321 IMG_7289 hummingbirds swords bw IMG_7202 IMG_7173 IMG_7091

Favorite Newspaper Photos

Favorite Journalistic Dispatches: PHOTOS

                                                                       Kathy Willens Associated Press

Louisville forward Sam Fuehring is blinded by her braid in NCAA women’s college basketball tournament, March, 2019

                                                                                                                                                   Katie Falkenberg,  Los Angeles Times

Relief Arrives in Malibu
Volunteers carry water and other supplies from a billionaire’s yacht to help residents isolated by the fire closures
(Los Angeles Times, November 14, 2018)

                                                                                                                                                              Wally Skalij, Los Angeles Times

LLAMAS are tied to a lifeguard stand on the beach in Malibu, where many evacuees sought seaside refuge from the fast-moving wildfire (Los Angeles Times, November 9, 2018)             

                                                                                                                                                      John Gilhooley, LA Weekly

The Hula Girls sing rockabilly (LA Weekly, July 27-August 2, 2018)


Sixteen of the victims Samuel Little drew from memory for FBI agents, 
who hope that the release of the portrait might generate tips to solve long-cold cases (Los Angeles Times, 2.13.19)

                                                                                                                                                 Robert Franklin Associated Press

Former President Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, in Mishawaka, Indiana, their 35th project with Habitat for Humanity (Los Angeles Times, 8.28.18)

                                                                                                                     Photograph by Mel Melcon, Los Angeles Times, March 1, 2020

Michael Fiala and Sox take Route 33 in Blackwells Corner toward Pinnacles National Park.  Fiala says he and Sox, a Siberian Husky, have ridden more than 90,000 miles through 41 stat and 31 national parks.

Summer 2019 Vacation Photo: Nice, France, Hazel Sepenuk, Los Angeles Times, September 22, 2019


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